Latest Tree Mural By Banksy - バンクシーの最新アート

Tree Mural by Banksy

March 17, 2024 (Sunday)

On Saint Patrick's Day, Banksy's latest artwork appeared in the Islington area of North London. The following day, it was officially announced on the artist's official website as a piece created by Banksy himself.

Excited by the news of a new Banksy piece, I couldn't wait and went to see it on the Tuesday,19th, just two days later.

Already packed with fans

The subject of the painting? A message to contemporary society

It is said that this tree is a 50-year-old cherry blossom tree. Surprisingly, it has no leaves or buds.

According to Islington Council, the tree became sick and there was a possibility it could fall, so all large branches have been pruned. The bark is also dark, and it seems unlikely to bloom again.

This tree is a plane tree commonly seen as street trees in London, known as London Plane. They are known for their resistance to pollution. The bark absorbs polluted air and sheds it naturally over time, with new bark forming. London Plane trees, with their pollution tolerance and air cleansing abilities, have been planted throughout London since the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century.

However, cherry blossom trees are not suitable for such provisional conditions, and their bark rarely regenerates. Through this artwork, Banksy may have wanted to draw attention to the destruction of nature due to urbanization, and perhaps even the impact of global warming. (This is purely speculative as the artist hasn't said anything about it.)

To my surprise, just two days after I went to see it, part of it had already been overwritten with white paint. I don't know how long these kinds of artworks will be available to see in the future, but I'd like to see as many as possible while they're still visible. If you have the chance, please do go and see them!


Thanks for reading!


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