

About a 2-hour drive from London, lies the world-famous Power Spot, Stonehenge. It's considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is said to have been built in alignment with the movement of the sun during prehistoric times. This stone circle was gradually constructed between 3000 BC and 2200 BC (yes, over 5000 years ago!).

Through this structure, you can gain insights into the refined spirituality and advanced architectural skills of the people who lived in Late Neolithic Britain and are believed to have created Stonehenge. Nearby dwellings thought to have been inhabited by those responsible for building Stonehenge have also been discovered and are on display at the entrance.

Questions like who built it and for what purpose, how they transported the massive 30-ton stones from wherever they came from, have fueled curiosity for centuries. New discoveries are made, and further research is ongoing, making Stonehenge an ever-evolving source of intrigue.

Wiltshire, the county around Stonehenge, is often referred to as one of the world's hotspots for the appearance of mystery circles, making it quite the power spot. Mystery circles are large geometric patterns, mostly circular, that suddenly appear in fields overnight. In the UK, they are known as "crop circles."

The mystical ambiance of this place can only be truly understood by those who visit it in person. It's also worth considering a visit to the nearby city of Salisbury, just a 20-30 minute drive away.